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Évaluer les politiques éducatives : sens, enjeux, pratiques (assessing educational policies: meaning, issues, practices)

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Bibliographic reference :
Demailly, L. (Éd.) (2001). Évaluer les politiques éducatives : sens, enjeux, pratiques. Bruxelles : De Boeck Université, 234 pages.

Abstract :

This book is part of an action research based on a central question formulated by the authors: What forms of public initiative assessment are culturally sensitive to our systems and adapted to our modernization and democratization requirements?

The Social and Political Background of Transformation
This part of the book focuses on the link between the development of assessment and the transformation of educational system regulation (issues, role of assessment). The authors put forward analytical paths to the social, political, professional and pedagogical meaning of the development of assessment. Thus, the meaning given to assessment should differ according to the groups of players considered. For instance, assessment of performances results in school administrators, parents and education practitioners putting institutions in France and Great Britain in competition. Elected representatives view assessment as a way to measure the satisfaction of education system users with regard to implemented initiatives.

Assessment Mechanisms and Players’ Interplay: Case Studies
Based on real cases (Estates General on Education in Quebec, Priority Education Zones in France, etc.) that proved both failures and successful experiences, the authors explore players’ interplay and their relationships of power, among others (mobilization, conflict, consensus, resistance, etc.). Therefore, the subject of evaluation or chosen assessment method reflects the objectives actually pursued and their underlying interests and values.

Assessment, Innovation, Management: Proposals for Action
The authors propose a model for a mobilizing assessment that can integrate into institutions’ projects for change and to meet mobilization needs.

In conclusion, the authors point out the need to develop international comparison of educational systems. Leads on items to explore are provided, including administrative, religious and professional cultures, social functions of schools in the societal area considered, and other aspects of normative or systemic regulation of systems.

Key Words :
Assessment, International Comparison, Educational System Regulation, Mobilization, Management, Action Research

Monitored Countries :
France, Great Britain, Quebec (Canada)