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Statistical Portrait of the Aboriginal School Population of Québec, 1981-96

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Bibliographic reference :
Gouvernement du Québec, ministère de l’Éducation du Québec (1998). Statistical Portrait of the Aboriginal School Population of Québec, 1981-96. Education Statistics Bulletin. [On line]. No. 7, september 1998.

Abstract :

The bulletin entitled Statistical Portrait of the Aboriginal School Population
of Québec, 1981-96 was released in September 1998. The aim of this bulletin was to provide a view of the educational situation of Aboriginal populations in Quebec (Canada) and the development of Aboriginal school systems. The focus was on Aboriginal educational paths and academic achievement.

Two major issues were highlighted as a result of analyzing educational paths:
1) the marked academic delay of students in making the transition from elementary to secondary school, and 2) the causal link between falling behind and leaving school.

To assess academic achievement, six cohorts from the Cree and Kativik school boards were followed between 1984 and 1996. Results were clear; graduation rate for these communities was very low in comparison to that for Quebec as a whole. For instance, in the entire province of Quebec, 73.2% of students graduated seven years after enrolling in high school, whereas this figure was only 23.3% for the Cree and Kativik communities.

The data presented in this bulletin has shown that in spite of Aboriginal communities taking responsibility for their own education system, leaving school and falling behind remain significant problems. Other factors also play an important role, namely geographical isolation and the fact that schools in their present form is not part of Aboriginal tradition.

For more information on this subject, see file IST-ISC-05.

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Key Words :
School Leaving, Academic Delays, School Dropout, Language of Instruction, Language of Use, Educational Path, Amerindians, Aboriginal/Native Peoples, Inuit, Métis, Aboriginal/Native Communities

Monitored Countries :
Quebec (Canada)