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Les limites d’une politique axée sur les moyens : le cas des zones d’éducation prioritaire en France (The Limits of a Policy Based on Means: the Case of Priority Education Zones in France)

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Bibliographic reference :

Nicolet, M. (2001). Les limites d’une politique axée sur les moyens : le cas des zones d’éducation prioritaire en France. Dans M. Nicolet, S. Rosenberg, P. Rüesch, M. Truniger, & al. (Éds.), Promotion de la réussite scolaire et de l’égalité des chances en éducation. Assurer la qualité dans des classes et des écoles hétérogènes sur les plans linguistiques, social et culturel. [en ligne].

Abstract :

This text is an appendix to a document published by the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK). This document is concerned with the performance of schools with high proportions of students who are allophone, migrant, and/or from underprivileged social classes. In addition to providing an account of current issues, it seeks to improve existing strategies and suggest possible solutions. For instance, an entire section is devoted to the policies implemented to enhance academic achievement and reduce social inequalities. Such policies include the establishment of priority education zones (PEZ) in France.

Purpose and Means of the PEZ
Implemented in 1981, this French policy sought to counter social inequalities by reinforcing educational initiatives in areas and social environments with the highest rates of failure. It also aimed to include local school communities through educational initiatives involving associations, museums, businesses and more, and to encourage the self-sufficiency of various players such as school personnel, school administrations and parents in the application of the policy. The PEZ was intended to establish means likely to correct social inequalities in schools. For instance, some schools could have the number of teachers increased by up to 33%.

Effectiveness of PEZ
Among the many studies conducted to assess the effects of the PEZ, some have shown that this policy had a negative effect on academic achievement, while other studies have provided considerably different results by pointing out that the rate of academic achievement remained the same in spite of increased precariousness and problems in the areas targeted by the PEZ. In addition, no significant results in terms of reducing social inequalities were noted.

Assessment of Results
The lack of effects of this policy caught the attention of researchers. This may be explained by the greater number of students in PEZ schools, the large amount of time taken to deal with discipline problems to the detriment of academic work, or the sometimes colder relationships among students. In this respect, the characteristics of PEZ schools are the opposite of those of “successful” schools, in particular with reference to the school environment. Another explanation provided to account for the poorer academic achievement of students in PEZ schools was that these institutions put less emphasis on intellectual and cultural stimulation than they do on socialization.

Finally, some studies have shown the prevalence of a labelling effect in PEZ schools. Expectations and requirements with regard to students may in fact be lower, with negative effects thus taking precedence. Some researchers are also concerned with ways of avoiding the ghetto effect of such a policy, which can result in lowering the quality of education.

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Key Words :
Social Inequalities, Government Program, Priority Education Zones (PEZ), Assessment, Underprivileged Environments, Labelling Effect, Ghetto Effect, School Environment

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