Collaboration écoles-famille-communauté
Association internationale de formation et de recherche en éducation familiale (International) 
L'AIFREF regroupe des chercheurs et des praticiens de différents pays intéressés par le champ de recherche et d'intervention en éducation familiale. Elle vise, entre autres, à développer la recherche et la formation en éducation familiale, à permettre à des chercheurs et des praticiens de tous les pays d'échanger sur leurs travaux, leurs orientations de recherche et leurs pratiques respectives, à favoriser la diffusion des recherches et des modèles d'intervention en éducation familiale, à accentuer le partenariat entre les universités et les milieux d'intervention avec, pour finalité, le développement de l'enseignement, de la recherche et de la formation en éducation familiale. 
* Le site Internet de cette association éprouve présentement des difficultés techniques. Le lien sera rendu disponible à nouveau ultérieurement.

Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships (anglais seulement - États-Unis)
The mission of this centre is to conduct and disseminate research, program and policy analyses that produce new and useful knowledge and practices helpful to parents, educators and members of communities who work together to improve schools, strengthen family ties, and enhance student learning and development.

Children Youth and Family Consortium (anglais seulement - États-Unis)
The Children, Youth and Family Consortium's web site is a bridge to a wide range of information and resources about children and families. It connects research, teaching, policy, and community practice. And, it seeks to advance greater understanding, shared knowledge, and action that is informed and deliberate.

Conseil de développement de la recherche sur la famille du Québec (Québec, Canada)
Le Conseil de développement de la recherche sur la famille du Québec a pour mission de contribuer, par la recherche, à l’avancement du savoir en matière familiale et de faire servir à des fins d’éducation, de formation et de perfectionnement les connaissances résultant des travaux de recherche.
* Le lien vers ce site n'est plus fonctionnel

European Research Network About Parents in Education (ERNAPE)
(anglais seulement - Europe)
ERNAPE is an association of networks organised by areas. The main purposes or ERNAPE information exchange between researchers and organisations; interaction in doing research; design of joint programmes, analysis and reflection on parents in education; stimulating awareness of the field; supporting/educating young researchers in the field of parents in education.
Famili@ (Québec, Canada)
Famili@ est une banque de données de plus de 7000 fiches bibliographiques regroupant des documents écrits, publiés depuis 1980 faisant preuve d’une démarche organisée de recherche et/ou de réflexion, traitant de la famille en tant que rapport intergénérationnel et portant sur la famille au Québec.

Family-School & Community Partnerships Bureau (anglais seulement - Australie)
The Family-School & Community Partnerships Bureau is an organisation dedicated to greater parental engagement and community involvement in schools. It conducts research, disseminates best practice and provides practical support and advice to parents, principals, teachers and others about how to build and sustain partnerships.

Fédération des comités de parents du Québec
 (Québec, Canada) 
La FCPQ défend les droits et les intérêts des parents des élèves des écoles publiques primaires et secondaires de façon à assurer la qualité de l'éducation offerte aux enfants.

Harvard Family Research Project
(anglais seulement - États-Unis)
Our work strengthens family, school, and community partnerships, early childhood care and education, promotes evaluation and accountability, and offers professional development to those who work directly with children, youth, and families. The audiences for HFRP's work include policymakers, practitioners, researchers, evaluators, philanthropists, teachers, school administrators, and concerned individuals.

Laboratoire éducation, culture et santé : interactions et partenariats (Québec, Canada)
Le laboratoire de recherche a vu jour en 2004 sous le libellé «Famille-École-Communauté et Compétences Transversales» (FECCT). Il s'inscrit dans le contexte du Renouveau pédagogique qui vise la réussite et la persévérance scolaires et le développement global de l'élève. Depuis, une nouvelle culture de collaboration école-famille-communauté semble s'installer au Québec. Ainsi, il nous paraît essentiel d'examiner l'univers des décisions institutionnelles versus les stratégies de communication et de consultation et les actions eu égard aux initiatives scolaires qui impliquent divers partenaires. Bon nombre de ces initiatives concernent la santé scolaire puisque la mise en place d'un environnement favorisant la pratique d'activités physiques et une saine alimentation peut favoriser la réussite scolaire, voire diminuer le décrochage scolaire et réduire le risque d'obésité. En même temps, l'école québécoise se doit de promouvoir le développement de compétences transversales aussi appelées compétences de la vie courante. L'éducation à la santé alliant à la fois les compétences de la vie courante dans le cadre de partenariat entre l'école, les familles et la communauté déployées dans divers contextes apparaît un virage nécessaire. Ainsi, le «Laboratoire éducation, culture et santé : interactions et partenariats» (LÉCS) représente davantage les orientations retenues et le rattachement départemental de la majorité des collègues.

National Center for Family & Community Connections with Schools (anglais seulement - États-Unis)
The Center links people with research-based information and resources that they can use to effectively connect schools, families, and communities. It emphasizes connections that directly impact student achievement in reading and mathematics, as well as connections that contribute to the students' overall success in school and in life. The Center reviewed emerging findings and research to develop an online database, annual conferences and annual reports to help advance procedural knowledge and to link research findings to practice.

National Network of Partnership Schools (anglais seulement - États-Unis)
Established by researchers at Johns Hopkins University, The National Network of Partnership Schools brings together schools, districts, and states that are committed to developing and maintaining comprehensive programs of school-family-community partnerships.

Nordic Network of Researchers about Parents in Education (anglais seulement - Pays scandinaves)
The purpose of the NORNAPE is to work as a critical, informative, theory-generating base for studies of partnership between parents and teachers in education and local society, training of doctoral researchers, exchange of information between researchers and organisations dealing with the subject, collecting information on research and development in this field in the Nordic countries.

Working Together: School-Family-Community Partnerships - A Toolkit for New Mexico School Communities
(anglais et espagnol - États-Unis)
This Toolkit is designed to support the development of school, family and community partnerships with the ultimate goal of helping all children and youth succeed in school and in life (teacher tools, family tools, professional development tools).

Center for comprehensive school reform and improvement (anglais seulement - États-Unis)   
The mission of the Center for comprehensive reform and improvement is to assist schools and districts engaged in comprehensive school reform and improvement by providing reliable information about research-based strategies and assistance. We also provide support for the Comprehensive School Reform Program.  

Center for Education Reform (anglais seulement - États-Unis) 
The Center for Education Reform drives the creation of better educational opportunities for all children by leading parents, policymakers and the media in boldly advocating for school choice, advancing the charter school movement, and challenging the education establishment.Through its storehouse of data and unique insights into American communities, CER uses information to turn parents into activists, policymakers into advocates, and educators into reform leaders. 

Center for the Study of Education Policy (anglais seulement - États-Unis) 
Established in 1995, the Center for the Study of Education Policy provides research and expertise to policymakers and practitioners geared towards implementing systemic and sustainable education reform strategies. Center activities focus on elementary, secondary and postsecondary issues. 

Center on Education Policy (anglais seulement - États-Unis) 
The Center on Education Policy is a national, independent advocate for public education and more effective public schools. The Center helps Americans better understand the role of public education in a democracy and the need to improve the academic quality of public schools. We do not represent any special interests. Instead, we try to help citizens make sense of the conflicting opinions and perceptions about public education and create the conditions that will lead to better public schools.  


Consortium for Policy Research on Education (anglais seulement - États-Unis) 
Created in 1985, the Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE) unites researchers from five of the nation's leading research institutions in an effort to improve elementary and secondary education through practical research.   


Education Policy Alliance (anglais seulement - États-Unis) 
The Education Policy Alliance is a nationwide network of university-based research centers and organizations. Alliance members provide high-quality research on the nation's most important education policy and practice issues (USA).

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Educational Policy Institute (anglais seulement - Australie, Canada, États-Unis) 
The Educational Policy Institute is an international, non-profit think tank dedicated to the study of educational opportunity. Our mission is to provide high-level research and analysis to support policymakers and practitioners and expand educational opportunity to all students.  

Education Policy Studies Laboratory (anglais seulement - États-Unis) 
The Education Policy Studies Laboratory, directed by Professor Alex Molnar, conducts and coordinates original research in areas such as student performance standards, assessment, commercialism in schools, curriculum and language policy issues. EPSL disseminates its analyses and reports to policy makers, educators, media and the public. 


Education Sector (anglais seulement - États-Unis) 
Education Sector is an independent education policy think tank devoted to developing innovative solutions to the nation’s most pressing educational problems. We are nonprofit and nonpartisan, both ensuring that Education Sector is dependable source of sound thinking on policy and an honest broker of evidence in key education debates throughout the United States. 

Institut de recherche en politiques publiques (Québec, Canada) 
L'IRPP cherche à améliorer les politiques publiques canadiennes en encourageant la recherche, en mettant de l'avant de nouvelles perspectives et en suscitant des débats qui contribueront au processus décisionnel en matière de politiques publiques et qui rehausseront la qualité des décisions que prennent les gouvernements, les citoyens, les institutions et les organismes canadiens. 

Observatory of Education Policy in Latin-America (anglais, espagnol, portuguais) 
The Observatory of Education Policy in Latin-America is a multidisciplinary center providing research, analysis, dissemination, and documentation of education policy in Latin America. The website contains recent news articles, essays, and other documents related to education policy topics, as well as links to other research centers, universities, social and popular movement information centers, unions, and other governmental and non-governmental organizations that are stakeholders in the education policy debate. 

* Ce lien n'est plus valide

Program on Education Policy and Governance (anglais seulement - États-Unis) 
The Program on Education Policy and Governance (PEPG) has distinguished itself as a significant contributor to the systematic analysis of education policy and governing arrangements. Located within the Government Department of Harvard University and the Taubman Center for State and Local Government of the Kennedy School of Government, the PEPG continues to fulfill its core missions: to provide high-level scientific training for young scholars who can make independent contributions to scholarly research; to foster a national community of reform-minded scientific researchers; and to produce path-breaking studies that provide a scientific basis for school reform policy. 

Réseaux canadiens de recherche en politiques publiques (Canada) 
Les Réseaux canadiens de recherche en politiques publiques (RCRPP) conseillent les décideurs au pays sur les enjeux de notre époque et sur les choix de politiques qui permettront au Canada d'aller de l'avant. Les RCRPP ont pour mission de créer des connaissances et d'orienter le débat et le dialogue publics sur des questions économiques et sociales d'une importance déterminante pour le bien-être de tous les Canadiens. Une section est consacrée à l’éducation et l’apprentissage.